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NO.TitleData update
1What are the places opened for public graffiti in riverside parks in Taipei?2025-01-07
2Where are the flood-prone areas in the City?2024-07-03
3How many stormwater pumping stations are there in Taipei City?2024-04-02
4Has the Taipei City Pumping Station made any improvements to improve water pumping efficiency? 2024-01-31
5Where in the Taipei City riverside parks are low-altitude fireworks and firecrackers allowed on ordinary days or festivals?2024-01-31
6During a typhoon or heavy rain, what are the penalties for vehicles left outside the levees?2024-01-31
7The flood defense period has come. Torrential rain will occur during the monsoon rain or typhoon season; related units are expected to check if all pumping stations in Taipei City work properly.2023-12-29
8Are commissioning and maintenance implemented on stormwater pumping stations regularly?2023-12-29
9How to get the Taipei City Cycling Map?2023-11-08
10Where are the Taipei Riverside Bike Rental Centers? What are the rental fees of the bikes?2023-06-28
11How to borrow a free hand-operated tricycle?2023-06-28
12How to apply for holding events in Taipei’s riverside parks or high riverbanks (floodplains) outside the levee?2023-06-09
13What is the timing for vehicles in parking lots within river basins to evacuate during a typhoon period?2023-05-31
14After the evacuation gate is closed, how can citizens move their vehicles away from the river areas?2022-10-13
15Are all hawkers in the riverside parks illegal? How to apply for legal operations in riverside parks?2022-10-13
16How to rent a riverside bike?2022-10-13
17When are the service hours of riverside bike rental stations?2022-10-13
18To which departments should unclean public toilets in riverside parks be reported?2022-10-13
19During a typhoon or heavy rain, how would vehicles left outside the levees be handled?2022-10-13
20What is the timing for opening and closing of evacuation gates during a typhoon or heavy rain?2022-10-13