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Can You Find All 12? Phase II Manhole Covers Featuring the 12 Districts of Taipei Completed

The installation of Phase II features manhole covers in Taipei City has been completed! Many fans have been eagerly awaiting the newly designed manhole covers for a long time, with social media posts attracting a lot of viral attention online. The Hydraulic Engineering Office (HEO) of the Taipei City Government has also released the “Taipei Manhole Cover” electronic map, featuring distinctive manhole cover designs for all 12 districts of Taipei City. Why not follow the map and challenge the hunt for all 12 manhole cover designs!


According to the HEO, the first phase of the “Taipei Manhole Cover” was promoted by the Office in 2020, covering the four administrative districts of  Nangang, Datong, Wanhua and Zhongzheng, with a professional design team invited to create 8 distinctive styles of featured manhole covers. The Phase II of the “Taipei Manhole Cover” project extends the design concept of the first phase and expands to the remaining eight administrative districts, including Shilin, Beitou, Neihu, Zhongshan, Songshan, Daan, Xinyi and Wenshan.

The Sewage Engineering Section of the HEO pointed out that the second phase of the  “Taipei Manhole Cover” project was also commissioned to a team of professional designers, and a total of 16 distinctive manhole covers were designed, each combining local characteristics and with 60 of the Phase II manhole covers being installed recently.

The HEO also reminds the public who are “hunting” for manhole covers that one of the special manhole covers in the Zhongshan District is the “Holy Blessings for Zhongshan.” Because of the feedback from the public, it was deemed inappropriate to place the image of Guan Sheng Dijun on the ground, so the HEO will not place it on the road for now. However, the HEO has started to look for a suitable location and will present it in a format that is above-ground in the future. An announcement will be made on the HEO’s Facebook fan group in due course.

So, how do you find the location of the painted manhole cover? The HEO will also release a Google Map to the public. Members of the public who want “treasure hunt” the featured manhole covers can proceed to the bottom of the official website of the HEO and find the electronic map of the “Taipei Manhole Cover” in the “Visual Map,” which contains information on the location, administrative area and style of the manhole cover, allowing everyone to find the painted manhole covers precisely and quickly.

In addition, according to the HEO, starting from April this year, it will also arrange to hold creative activities related to Taipei's manhole covers, so that everyone can share their creativity and aesthetic taste. Participants will also have the opportunity to receive a mystery Taipei Manhole Cover themed gift. The latest information of follow-up activities will be posted on the “Taipei Hydraulic Engineering Office” and “Taipei Manhole Cover” Facebook fan page. For those who like the painted manhole cover and manhole cover fans, definitely don't miss out on it!