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​Fuzhou Riverside Park

Riverside Parks in Taipei

Located outside of the Zhongzhou Pumping Station at Section 9, Yanping North Road, the Fuzhou Riverside Park occupies an area of 2,450m2. The park sits at Section 9 of Yanping North Road. Under the scorching sun, there is a small basketball court and a few old banyan trees, and people start racing with the wind in the driveway atop the levee. There is neither shelter nor luck. If you cycle atop the levee towards the Guanyin Mountain, on your right-hand side, you can see the packs of fields and vegetable gardens where old farmers are squatting and weeding. It looks like the pastoral scene depicted by impressionist master Monet. On your left-hand side, long grass is erecting, while kandelia is densely forested. The rest stop is beautiful in appearance, and many people stop by to get some rest and take some pictures. The Taipei University of Marine Technology is not far from here. The school has a small pier by the river, with boats hanging by and sampans mooring quietly on the water.

​Fuzhou Riverside Park

Riverside Facilities

Sportsground and fitness facilities: Basketball courts, roller rink, and fitness facilities

Children's play facilities: Swings

Other service facilities: Plaza

Nearby Attractions

Confluence Jetty
The Keelung River and Tamsui River meet at the head of Shezidao, like a duck's beak, where waves are surging and excited. Stop by and you will find something special. The green space here is wide, with an amphitheater-like concrete floor and flowerbed staircases. There is a wooden platform adjacent to the river for visitors to enjoy the view. Although trees are planted in the green space, a forest has not yet formed. Here, the sky is high and the land is wide, making it a great spot for watching stars. No need to wait for a meteor shower, you can come here to watch the Milky Way. At sunset, the afterglow of the setting sun glitters on the river, shining and touching. Looking over the stretch of the horizon of the Datun Mountain and Guanyin Mountain, you will be refreshed as a strong wind blows across. There is a rest stop on the nearby bikeway with a broad vision opposite to the Guandu Bridge and Guandu Temple. It is suitable for cyclists to rest, stretch their muscles, and take photos. A sharp-colored kiosk in the shape of sports equipment, a lighthouse in the style of a flock of flying seagulls, railings decorated by amateurs, and the colorful clouds at dusk are all treasures for photography lovers.


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