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Neigou Time


NeiHu district


Han-Ning Chang

Introduction of artworks


Painting on the outside the embankment of LOHAS Park

Designer Han-Ning Chang takes time as the main axis, integrating the history and scenery of Neigou River, creating a non-linear timeline with the integration of continuous scenes; alternating day and night, forming the daily life, allowing viewers to travel through and experience the scenery of the Neihu in different periods. The natural color scheme also allows people to comfortably immerse themselves in the beautiful Neigou scenery.

In the past, Neihu was mainly engaged in an agricultural industry, but the discovery of the coal mine later opened up the mining industry and the related economic life. As time goes by, the black gold of the past is no longer there, but the piers of the Wufen Suspension Bridge are still left behind to show the prosperous appearance at that time. Today, the banks of the Neigou River are mostly resi-dential areas with comfortable natural scenery, where egrets and crested serpent eagle fly, and cher-ry blossoms can be seen in the spring, cultivating the mind and body. The Neigou River not only runs through the timeline of Neihu's development, but is also an important part of the daily life for the residents in the surrounding area.